Monday, November 24, 2008

Let's Prove them Wrong

So all of my Glamouristas & Fashionitas in the Memphis area....whether male or female.....I have a special favor to ask. I have recently been in a debate with a friend of mine in New Orleans who seems to think...We have no sense of style in Memphis. I disagree. My argument was however there are few people in the city with "personal" style.

If you have time please upload just one picture of yourself with one sentence describing your personal style. Send them to subject: I got style. Thank so much.

Be inspired in this society!!!
xoxo, Andrea Fenise

American Music Awards

I watched the American Music Awards last night...The only artist in which I was absolutely in awe of was Alicia Keys. She looked stunning!!! Everything from hair, makeup, and her gown were FLAWLESS. Wourie Vince fashion stylist for Alicia Keys...gets kudos.

Be Inspired in this society!!!
xoxo, Andrea Fenise

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Playing Dress Up

Sorry I've been M.I.A. for awhile but I have plenty of good reasons. The current state of the economy has me working overdrive. But you can't have all work and no play. I have found the best "game" ever...VIRTUAL DRESS UP. It's You can build virtual looks on line or sets as the industry calls it. Look at the look I just made this morning.

Urban Chanel by Andrea Fenise

Be inspired in this society!!!
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We are a lifestyle blog creating a life with style in Memphis. We will bring you all the exclusive events, fashion & beauty trends, art shows, restaraunts, music, and much more.