Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fit & Fab | Michelyn

Q: Should you take multivitamins to take up the slack for not always eating healthy? I know I don't get my fruits & veggies in everyday!!!!

A: Multivitamins vs. natural foods I'm a huge fan of incorporating multi-vitamins into your daily diet. I believe the average person is not going to consume all of the nutrients their body needs by just eating food alone. We live in a fast pace world; we are not always going to have time to put the right nutrients into our body's. I don't believe you can solely depend on multi-vitamins; you must also have a healthy diet. After researching this topic, I found that "researchers have not yet identified all the biologically active components in food. Believe it or not there are hundreds if not thousands of various substances in foods, such as phytochemicals, that are advantageous. Therefore, you can never get the full benefit of "good food" into a pill" (Griffin, 2008). Dr. Griffin believes that one should check with their doctor or nutritionist for the best way to assess what nutrient supplementation may be advantageous to them individually. Dr. Griffin recommends a low to moderate dose of multi-vitamin (Griffin, 2008). She also stated that one should remember that this should not replace a healthy diet (Griffin, 2008). In short, multi-vitamins are great, but you should still maintain a healthy diet. There is no way vitamins call completely replace food, at least not right now.

If you would like for Michelyn to answer some of your fitness questions, email us at Subject: Fit & Fab

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