Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fit & Fab

Hey chics & gents,
Today is Fit & Fab Wednesday and I specifically chose to blog about being fit & fab on Wednesday because it's Hump Day. Hump Day...half way through the work week and you need a little push over the hill. Well for some reason, I need a little well alot of push in my fitness regimen. I don't know what's wrong with me but I don't want to work out. I chose to blog early this morning before I run, let's hope I get out there today. I have to get motivated. Motivation comes from so many angles and I was looking through one of the gossip magazines yesterday and I was so amazed with the Russian Heel-A-Thon. Kelly Ripa from Live with Regis & Kelly collaborated with Dr. Scholl's for a charity High Heel-A-Thon in New York. Women in NYC came out in big numbers to race in high heels if that's not Fit & Fab...I don't know what is. Here are some pics:

Kelly Ripa stretching. Those are some bad shoes chic.

They are focused

Now this was hilarious. Take note... guy in the red perfect stride & guy in the white broke his heel but it's not stopping him at all.

If you need a little push with your diet, Michelyn has a great tip today.
Whole eggs vs. Egg whites

A lot of us are use to eating whole eggs. That's what mother use to make and whole eggs are usually served for breakfast at the fast food and dine-in restaurants. A lot of us look at eating eggs as a way to increase our protein intake; we don't think about all the fat and cholesterol we are consuming. As a child I only liked boiled eggs and I would just eat the yolk. My mother would tell me "girl you better eat the white part that's where the nutrition is"; I never understood her until I got older. When I started dieting I learned that egg whites were healthier for you. I didn't know the true facts; I just knew it was healthier and I needed to eat them to loss weight and cut down my fat intake.
After reading an article online from, I learned about the nutrition facts of whole eggs and egg whites. I just wanted to share them with you guys.

Egg Yolks:Calories: 55 cals Fat: 4.5 g Saturated Fat: 1.6g Cholesterol: 210 mg Protein: 2.7g

Egg Whites:Calories: 17 cals Fat: 0.1 g Saturated Fat: 0.0 g Cholesterol: 0.0 mg Protein: 5 g

As my mother always says, "Once you know better you should do better"; Let's cut our calories, fat, and cholesterol by eating more egg whites and less whole eggs. You can purchase the egg white liquid from any grocery store.

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